English 9
English 10
English 11
English 12
Writer's Workshop I
Writer's Workshop II
Digital Citizenship (.5 credits)
Writing in the Workplace (.5 credits)
Mythology (.5 credits)
Build Your Own Course (Literature)
General Mathematics
Business Mathematics
Algebra Lab (.5 credits)
Algebra I (Mandatory)
Algebra II
Financial Math
Math in the Workplace (.5 credits)
Build Your Own Course (Math)
US History (Mandatory)
World Civilizations (Mandatory)
Exploring Civics (Mandatory)
African American History
Personal Finance
Street Law
World Geography
Build Your Own Course (US History)
Build Your Own Course (World History)
Biology (Mandatory)
Earth Space
General Science
Physical Science
Career Awareness (Mandatory)
Career Internship (.5-3 credits)
Community Service (.5-3 credits)
Intro. to Business
Part I.
Practice ASVAB
Part II.
Career Information/Research
Personal Budget (See template below)
Cover Letter
Reference page
(See templates below)
Part III.
Fool Proof Me: Personal Finance & Consumer Protection
The York Adams Academy Authority Board shall grant high school credit in all courses (except Algebra I, Biology, English 10, Physical Education, Work Co-op and the Career Awareness Project) to a student enrolled at York Adams Academy and who exhibits a reasonable level of mastery of the subject matter of the course by attaining a grade of a 70% on the final exam of the course.
For the purpose of earning credit under this section, any YAA student may take the final examination in all courses (except Algebra I, Biology, English 10, Physical Education, Work Co-op and the Career Awareness Project).
• Credit earned under this section will be counted towards a student’s graduation requirements.
• Students may only attempt to test out of a course one time.
Students wishing to “test out” of a course:
• Must notify their teacher prior to starting the course.
• Prior to starting the “test out” assessment, the student must turn in any personal electronic device(s) to the director or designee.
• The student will have one full 3 hour test session to complete the assessment.
You must register an account before doing the online training. When you are finished with the training, you must print out the certificate.
You can apply to HACC here. You must create an account and then start the GENERAL APPLICATION.
You will choose 3 of the 26 presentations and complete a reflection. These three reflections can serve as your 3 required post-secondary visits for your Career Awareness Project. They can also serve as your Career Externship for Act 158.
Please have your employer complete this form which can be used as an artifact to meet Act 158 requirements.